Sunday, March 14, 2010
Nutty Vanilla Popcorn
Do you know anybody who can resist popcorn?? Neither do I!! And few people can resist the irresistible, delicious smell of vanilla and butter cooking together. Be it in a cake or pancake or pudding or with popcorn. Hmmm...Just opening my bottle of vanilla is enough to make me switch on my oven and start baking a cake. Of course I don't do that (much as I would love to)as my family is er.. a lil alarmed seeing the way I am obsessing with food in the recent past.
And with my son's final exams going on, I keep reminding myself to get a grip on my urges to cook, cook and cook even more. Boy! Am I looking forward to summer vacations just for the reason that I can cook and bake to my heart's content without having to worry about homework and assessments. Just for a week more, it will have to be quick and easy recipes to keep me and my kids happy. Like this easy and delicious Nutty Vanilla Popcorn.
This recipe is from Sanjeev Kapoor, which I have modified a bit. If you like popcorn and like anything sweet, you gonna like this for sure.The hint of vanilla with the caramel flavored popcorn, with crunchy almonds thrown in between will surely be a hit with kids. Do try this out out to know. You will need...
For the popcorn
1/4 cup dried corn kernels
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon powdered brown sugar
A few drops of vanilla essence
For the Caramel Almonds
5-6 Almonds, sliced, lightly toasted
1/2 tablespoon regular sugar
Heat the regular sugar in a small non-stick saucepan over low heat. Allow the sugar to melt and turn golden. . Stir in the almond pieces, ensuring the caramel coats the pieces well. This should take a few seconds. Take care not burn the caramel. Turn off the heat. Transfer the pieces to a lightly oiled plate immediately. Allow to cool. If u allow the almonds to remain in the caramel for long( like I did), you may have to reheat the caramel on low heat and then remove the almonds.
Heat a dry, clean pressure pan. When hot, reduce the heat and put the butter into the pan. Add the corn and spread it carefully in the pan. Close the lid(without the weight of course) with the heat on medium high. Allow the corn to pop. The corn will start popping after a couple of minutes. Wait till all the corn gets popped. Turn off the heat. Open the lid carefully. Add the powdered brown sugar and the vanilla. Mix well. The sugar will melt and coat the corn as the pan will still be hot. If not, turn on the heat for a minute more. If the corn feels too dry, add in some more butter.
Remove the corn from the pressure pan to a plate. Allow to cool. Serve in a bowl topped with the caramelized almonds.
Please Note: I have earlier tried this by adding granulated brown sugar long with the popcorn and have not been very successful. Adding the ground sugar after the corn pops, seems to work better.
Wow! Yummmmmmmy! I'm so tempted Suma...lovely pics too! :)
ReplyDeletehey thats one favorite snack while watching movies..looks so good.
ReplyDeleteThats a lovely recipe Suma. I am having a whole packet of dried corn, not knowing what to do..I am going to try this..
ReplyDeletei love this type of popcorns, thanks for the recipe,.looks yum & as you say irresistible..
ReplyDeleteFirst time here.
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of popcorns.
Vanilla popcorn sounds interesting!!!
Love to follow ur blog
Check my space when u find time
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