Saturday, May 1, 2010

Golden Cake

Isn't this an amazing and intriguing name for a cake?? I saw this on Sheeba's blog and it instantly went on to my growing, 'must try' serpentine list of cake recipes. The slice of cake looked so, so soft and golden gorgeous and had me sighing.  I have visited and revisited Sheeba's blog for this and so many more drool-worthy cakes she has on her blog. In case you haven't been there yet, you must, must visit Art, Food and Travel Chronicles.

I had half a cup of butter sitting in my fridge since days and it started featuring in my dreams too. I normally bake with oil, so having butter at home is a rarity and kind of pushes me into baking something, before the best before date. Not that I need much of pushing when it comes to baking, I just needed to find a good recipe with half a cup of butter and of course a reasonably good excuse to bake:-))

I work from home, which is luxury and allows me to pop a cake into the oven and plonk myself back in front of my computer. I had a particularly productive, though busy month at work, and took a baking break( I take these breaks too often I know) to sort of celebrate.

The cake turned out so..offt and delicious just as Sheeba promised it would. Thanks a lot for sharing this Sheeba!!

The recipe goes like this
2 ¼ cup flour
1 ½ cup table sugar
3 ½ tsp baking powder
½ cup + 1 tbsp butter, softened
1 cup milk, at room temperature
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence

Method: In a large mixing bowl add all the ingredients together and beat half a minute on slow speed and then 3 minutes on high( I did about 2 minutes with my hand mixer as I was too chicken to do 3). Pour into a prepared (greased and floured) cake tin and bake at 190 C for 35 minutes or until a fork/skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

I used half a cup of butter plus 1 tablespoon ghee. I used one medium sized round tin and one small bundt pan(for the first time) . I baked the round tin cake for about 35 minutes and it tasted good, but it could have done with just a couple of minutes more in the oven. Hence The bundt cake stayed that couple of minutes more in the oven and tasted just too good!! Why is that pic not here?? Well, the cake broke when I was in the process of removing it from the tin:-((

For those like me scared of the calorific effect of butter, this makes a large cake which means very little butter per portion, unless you have the cake for lunch or dinner!! You are in danger of ending up doing just that as its difficult to resist this one:-))

This post is also my entry to Champa's Bake Off event.


  1. Hy Suma,

    Looks amazing...I want to devour them right now dear.

  2. lovely cake suma.luks very soft...

  3. Cake looks moist and nice texture:)

  4. Cake looks so moist and delicious!!

  5. Suma cake looks super moist and delicious...

  6. So soft & spongy cake..looks perfect suma..

  7. The cake looks so soft n moist , yummmmm....

  8. Cake looks super spongy and soft, lovely texture Suma..

  9. cake luks awesome!perfect texture n tempting pic

  10. Cake looks and sounds lovely; there is something so satisfying about a plain, classic, vanilla cake.

  11. I have been to Sheeba's blog. Great that you tried out her recipe.

  12. Awesome cake Suma. So quick and easy. Must try sometime!

  13. Hi Suma,
    my first time here.Very nice blog with wonderful recipes.Love the golden cake.Following you.

  14. Suma,Sounds so perfect !yumyumyum....

  15. Looks sooo soft and nice.....

  16. Looks sooo soft and nice.....

  17. Suma,,,soo perfect cake looks soo soft n spongy dear.

  18. Cake looks very nice. Thanks for the entry.

  19. Golden, soft, spongy....
    can i have a slice now..... am getting hungry looking at your blog...

    The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
    Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts

  20. Oooooh, golden cake looks naaaaaaiiiiceeeee!! The taste, I'm supposing would be the same as sponge cake, no? :)

  21. Oooooh, golden cake looks naaaaaaiiiiceeeee!! The taste, I'm supposing would be the same as sponge cake, no? :)

    P.S: I dunno why it posted the comment as Anon before this. Grrrrrr to blogger! :)

  22. I am new to your blog. Just went thru your recipe collections. You have a beautiful blog. Do drop in my blog when you have time :). Happy blogging :) i love to follow u..

  23. Im new to Baking and lack a lot of trial & error lessons ;)
    I want to know can i half the given recipe to yield one cake? Pls advice -Navya


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