Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cakes And More Cookie Fest ! An Event And A Giveaway...

It will soon be 2 years since I started to write this blog! Was it only yesterday that Cakes And More Turned 1 and now I find myself announcing the second anniversary event and giveaway, how time flies! Let me spare you reading all about how I feel about my virtual baby, the journey, etc etc...I shall talk about this a little later ;-). Now for the event and the giveaway - my way of my thanking you for taking time to read my blog, and always being my inspiration by way of your emails and comments. Thanks so very much!

Alice Medrich, needs absolutely no introduction, being one of the world's best known authors, dessert Chef and chocolatier. I wanted to give away a book on baking and finally zeroed on her book Chewy, Gooey, Crispy, Crunchy Melt-in-Your-Mouth-Cookies.

Homemade, freshly baked cookies are a real pleasure anytime of the day. Enjoy them warm out of the oven, send them to your family and friends or sneak in a couple of them in your kiddos snack-box. Cookie doughs which freeze well, with one time effort, can give you a plate of warm cookies at the shortest notice - be it to indulge your cravings or to wow your unexpected guests. This said, a variety of cookie recipes which will unfailing delight you are a must in every home-baker's repertoire. This book gives you a numerous recipes classified according to chewy, crunchy, gooey, crispy and flaky textures - whatever you fancy that moment. Alice makes you look beyond the ubiquitous chocolate chip cookies, which  - most of us, including me , think of when we think cookies. A few of her enticing recipes include Hazelnut Sticks, Goldies, Anzac Cookies, Steve Ritual Brownies, Flaky Chocolate triangles, Citrus Tuiles, Whole Wheat Biscotti, Sesame Butterflies and a lot more. Apart from these, there are tips and techniques, about equipment and an entire list of cookie doughs from her book which freeze well. A book you must have on your shelf, derive loads of satisfaction from it for years to come..

Coming to the event, its only apt that I ask you to bake and send some cookies my way. None of us remain immune to the spirit of baking during the Christmas season, even the hesitant baker turns on the oven for sure.  So, do bake me some cookies - chewy, crispy,flaky or crunchy - anything from gooey brownies to crunchy biscotti to delicate tuiles to flaky batons - I shall gobble them all!

What you would need to do
  • Bake cookies and post them on your blog any day between today and 10th Jan.
  • Include a link to this announcement in your post.
  • Lets please keep the entries fresh, no recipes from your archives please! Eggs are allowed, though not non-vegetarian.
  • Mail me your entries with the subject line "Cakes And More Cookie Fest' on or before 10th January, with your name, the name of your blog, the name of the recipe, a link to the recipe and a picture of the same. Please keep the file size under 100 KB.
  • Multiple entries are fine, the more the merrier!
  • Usage of logo is optional but would be very happy if you can help spread the word.
  • Non bloggers are most welcome to participate, please mail me the details with the picture.
  • Last date for submitting your entries is 10th January.
  • I shall post the round up around 15th January and announce the winner, earlier if possible.
  • The book can be shipped anywhere in India, so if you do not live in India, but would like me to ship it to someone here, you are most welcome.

If you have any queries, please drop me a line at sumadotrowjeeatgmaildotcom

So grab your bowls, whisks, turn your ovens on, lets play with flour, sugar and butter! Look forward to receive your entries!


  1. Wow what a great way to celebrate the anniversary :).Count me in Suma....

  2. Congratulations dear on your blog anniversary. Your event is really super exciting, would love to see the roundup since I'm a big fan of home made cookies.

  3. Nice event Suma ! Shall try to participate.. Are you looking for cookies only ??

  4. Wow! Nice event and a nicer giveaway...

  5. Happy 2nd blog birthday to one of my fave blogs {and bloggers!}. That book is a must have ... I am gonna bake cookies for you my dear!

  6. I will surely send something! Great event.. Congrats on the milestone!

  7. Congrats Suma on turning 2. That's another milestone achieved for C&M. With every passing day, C&M has only got better and better. With the kind of recipes posted by you, I am sure you have turned to be a Daring Baker! :)

  8. Congratulations Suma and wonderful event..! Will definitely try and send across an entry.. Eagerly lookin fwd to the roundup for the wonderful collection of recipes.. :)

  9. wow...Iam in Iam In...love cookies...can i send more than 1 entry...I make cookies often for my daughter

  10. Congrats and happy birthday to ur blog baby Suma, lovely giveaway,will send my entries..

  11. Congratulations Suma ! This sounds like a great event, gives me an opportunity to make some different cookies, I almost always stick to the chocolate chip ones...

  12. Congratulations Suma!! A great event!

  13. Congratulations Suma..!! This is indeed a great event..and would surely send in some entries to participate in your birthday bash..!!

  14. congrats suma...will try 2 send an entry

  15. Wow Suma .. Hearty congratulations on completing two years of blogging! Truly, this is blog is your brain child/virtual child and my virtual baking guru :)
    I have never made cookies, may be I should attempt a recipe b4 Jan 10and try to grab a prize frm you.

  16. Wow!!! amazing round up and congrats for your blogs 2nd anniversary. Will try to send my entries.

  17. Here's the first one Suma - http://www.passionateaboutbaking.com/2011/12/baking-vanilla-bean-chocolate-chip-wookies-waffle-cookies-wookies-pennsylvania-dutch-waffle-cookies.html
    You inspire me to bake cookies all the time!
    Will email the required buts shortly {hope I don't forget!!}

  18. congratulations suma...i'm new to blogging and following and the rest of it but i know a good thing when i see it...your blog is very nice and i hope you go from strength to strength.

  19. Congratulations Suma! Will send you some cookies soon :)....

  20. And another lot for you Suma ... http://www.passionateaboutbaking.com/2011/12/baking-lebkuchen-garam-masala-macarons-and-the-failings-of-my-sourdough-experiment-blame-scrooge.html
    Lebkuchen and Garam Masala Macarons with Salted Butter Caramel Buttercream

  21. wow suma ma'am this is great news....so do u have sumthing like mailing the recipes for the non bloggers?


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